Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Don't let me be misunderstood.

Hello all.

There's much to report.

The biggest thing is, the first read through is tonight. I invited everyone to come and hear it, both because I wanted to read it in front of a group to hear how it works, and also because you know, if something is scary and hard, the best thing to do is to make it even more scary and hard by inviting everyone you know to come and watch you fail. Great plan, Elizabeth! Good thinking!

No, but seriously. It's no good telling stories to an empty room, and I wanted to invite people I know and love to come and be a part of it -- you know, community building and all that fruity hippie bullshit. Hopefully, the audience will keep me honest, and let me know if it is good, or if I should consider carefully and ignominiously slinking away.

It's been quite a haul to get ready for this first read -- the video is almost all totally ready (thanks Rachelle Beckerman!) and the script is in a good place (I think) and I've rigged up a whole system where I can operate the sound and the video at the same time as I read the script. I feel a little like a one man band with a harmonica in my mouth and cymbals on my knees, but it should be fun to watch me maneuver around, if nothing else.

I hope, I hope, I hope.

I keep thinking this is all going to get easier, but you know, it just doesn't. Not ever.

Good thing I like it when things are hard.

See you tonight.


1 comment:

matty said...

oh, i wish i was there.