Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sometimes you can't make it on your own.

You know, at this time, I'd like to use this space to give a shout-out to the cast of Our Town.

That's right, you two people who follow my blog, to the cast of Our Town.

There's this group of people that I hang out with almost every night, and almost all weekend, and they are the nicest, smartest, most talented, funniest, most generous and all around bestest people that I've known and I feel so lucky to be in their midst.

It is hard to have two jobs and work all the time and try to squeeze creating and rehearsing your one person show in there somewhere, and these people are unrelenting in their helpfulness. They give me snacks, and hugs, and kind words, and they pick me up when I'm down, and I cannot think of a better way to spend my time, but in their company.

Thank you, cast and crew of Our Town.

Good show, all.

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